Lubbock High School Class of 1954

About Us

The Website & Reunion Committee

If you need any information or have any questions about the Class of ’54 organization, website or our great upcoming 65th REUNION please contact one of the committee members below.

To add information about one of our missing Westerners or to make changes on your roster listing please contact:

Meetings and other events or to notify us of any event of interest to the class please contact:


For corrections, changes or suggestions on the website please contact:





Westerner Challenge (Fight Song)“Hail, hardy Westerners!

O’er the plains

Your challenge hurl!

Through loss or victory,

With our banner high,

All the while we go marching on,

We proudly sing our victory song.

Fight! Let the game start.

Fight! Boys with all your heart.

Fight! Westerners, fight.”

